Fees and charges from UNITBOX (Treasure)

Fees and charges from UNITBOX (Treasure)

Success Fees

Users of UNITBOX Protocol pay a success fee for every NFT rented. 85% of the earnings from gaming goes to the NFT owner and player, while 15%, splitted in 7.5% + 7.5% between scholars and owners goes to the treasury. A part of success fees marking a complete rental process. The protocol pays a fraction of the fees as rewards to holders of UNIT tokens.


Stakers of the UNIT token will earn rewards paid out from the treasury according to the amount staked. As more users use UNITBOX Protocol, more renting orders will be satisfied, which will lead to more payment volume, a bigger treasury, and more payment to stakers. The payout will also increase the price floor leading to a higher UNIT token price.

Last updated